Collage Therapy

or contact Karen for more details.

Collage Therapy facilitates a doorway to the soul and a deeply personal and integrative experience. Images speak loudly and uniquely to each of us. Open yourself to this intuitive work, gently witnessing and embracing more of who you really are. Enter higher states of conscious awareness and relax the nervous system while reflectively processing emotional states.

Work with the materials supplied and practice seeing images through an intuitive lens. No art experience is required and it is super easy to get into the flow of tearing pages from magazines, gluing images onto paper, adding text etc. This process is relaxing, can be deeply meaningful and fun. Unleash your creative unconscious and learn it’s language. With practice you will begin to interpret your spontaneous collage work and experience energetic shifts within the body. Results will vary from person to person, session to session, and your experience will change moment to moment as you work in the NOW.

This practice is trauma informed and safely provides a gentle way to work with blocked energy. When opening the heart to hidden parts of the self, unexpected emotions come to the surface, revealing shifts in perspective and unexpected feelings. Emotional states vary during these sessions as soul fragments are compassionately witnesses, held and integrated.

Group sessions include a sharing circle. Private sessions are also available by arrangement.

Sessions are quietly reflective and include mindfulness coaching, meditations and wisdom teachings. Collage Therapy supports the creation of new neural pathways, expansive consciousness, deep relaxation and self regulation.

Benefits of practice include:

  • learning, strengthening and practicing mindfulness techniques
  • experiencing energetic shifts
  • gaining new perspectives on difficult situations
  • increasing self-awareness and acceptance
  • intentionally supporting yourself to heal old wounds and release new pain
  • increasing creativity and imagination
  • reduction in negative thinking patterns
  • increasing capacity to manage stress and anxiety
  • lowering resting heart rate & blood pressure
  • increase your tolerance of discomfort
  • reduce feelings of social anxiety

Collage Therapy – cultivating integration ❤️

Next group will run 4 consecutive Wednesdays, 10am-12noon. Starting June 12 – July 3.

collage therapy

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Karen Gilbert

+61 438 297 230


81 Molle Street, Hobart 7000