Ceremony simply supports my wellbeing.
Sometimes my anxiety levels take a hike upwards .
It’s part of being human.
Non of us can feel fab100% of the time.
We’re designed to feel, we are emotional beings .
We can feel grounded and centred, overwhelmed, in despair, off being frantic, anxious and chaotic, on fire with passion or anger……so much we can feel. And we can feel so intensely!! Other times we can feel so numb, hopeless or like we can no longer go on with living.
We can learn to allow our feelings to flow through us more easily. Pain is inevitable, suffering isn’t. We can learn ways to manage our emotional states. We can honour our truth without getting caught up in limiting beliefs.
Next time you notice an emotion, I want to encourage you to notice what was happening prior to it . Get curios. Scientific. Get to know your triggers. Consider keeping a log book for a few days .
Who were you with, what were you doing, thinking about, what music, place etc. What were you feeling and when.The who, what, when, how. You get the gist!
It can be surprising what we can learn through taking a little time to get curious about ourselves.
This leads to expanding our consciousness, growth and selfcare. Everything under observation changes. We can bring more choice to our life and live it with more intention.
We can choose to be kinder to ourselves as we weave in compassionate self inquiry.
We can choose things that support who it is we want to be. We can live proactively, rather than functioning on autopilot.
Life, a gift.
It’s yours to live.
Sending loving vibes your way,
Wishing you inner peace and a good dose of laughter
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