Multiple Personalities

Could you have multiple personalities running your inner world?  😬🤪🤔This goes deeper than you may think!Have you ever wondered if you are NUTS?I am sure you have some awareness of your personality variances, but I want you to dig a little deeper because there are GIFTS HERE FOR YOU!…… please keep reading. Do you notice the … Read more

How can we control life?

How can we control life? Do you find yourself frustrated, sad or angry with family and friends, and what is happening around you? Maybe you can see clear ways ahead for others and want to help them. If only they would change! Do you do your best to fix what is wrong, change what’s going on out there, only to find it doesn’t … Read more

Fast track your growth

Do you want to fast track your growth?Do you have tools for life? And if so, are they working for you? Or maybe you need an antidote to life? Life is here for the living – but do we? It’s way too easy to get caught on auto pilot, anxious thoughts and unhelpful patterns, then … Read more

Creating Ceremony

Creating Ceremony in your own home can sound daunting, but it doesn’t need to be! Simple ceremonies can be really supportive and a great way to connect more deeply to the Divine, goddess, source, or whatever you call this mind blowing universal intelligence we have little capacity to comprehend! As we are in the middle … Read more

Thought Patterns and Suffering.

Thought patterns and suffering are connected! Our thoughts, just like our breath, run on autopilot. Just as well really, otherwise we would need to think about every little thing we do all the time. Imagine needing full conscious awareness to drive your car, or walk down the street or get your card out of your … Read more

Why Ceremony?

Ceremony Hobart

Ceremony simply supports my wellbeing. Sometimes my anxiety levels take a hike upwards . It’s part of being human. Non of us can feel fab100% of the time. We’re designed to feel, we are emotional beings . We can feel grounded and centred, overwhelmed, in despair, off being frantic, anxious and chaotic, on fire with … Read more

Healing the Nervous System

Healing the Nervous System takes time! Why can’t I heal fast?? I hear your question! Why can healing take so long and need to come from a place of slowing down and inner calm? Why can’t it be a BOOM AND ITS DONE experience? I want this over NOW!!! Does this resonate? Do you think … Read more

Death Observed

Death arrived closer to midnight than dawn. Friday morning 19th January 2024. (Warning: this post is raw, truthful an graphic and may trigger difficult feelings for the reader). Cold, reminding me of deep waters, her body hardens, stiffens, reminding me of dense earth. From where her body came, so shall it return. Her tongue hangs … Read more

Energy Healing

Intuitive Art Hobart

Energy healing is important work we can continue to practice. Recently I attended a presentation and observed the energy within the small group. Some participants were visibly distress and down hearted.  As I listened to the presentation I became increasingly curious.  During question time some members oozed out fear and grief and a quality of … Read more


Through the art of ceremony we can cross from the world of matter and form, entering the subjective unseen, a world that is impossible to comprehend no matter how we try. As human beings, we can imagine our heart felt connection, insights and guidance coming from whatever feels right for us. Some of us may … Read more

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Karen Gilbert

+61 438 297 230


81 Molle Street, Hobart 7000