How can we control life? Do you find yourself frustrated, sad or angry with family and friends, and what is happening around you? Maybe you can see clear ways ahead for others and want to help them. If only they would change! Do you do your best to fix what is wrong, change what’s going on out there, only to find it doesn’t work? If your answer is yes, then I understand your frustrations! But what is the answer? We can spend much of our efforts in futile attempts to manage our surroundings, control others, and influence what comes into our lives only to find it doesn’t work. But what is really going on? Deep down, we believe we will feel better when everything “out there” goes to “our plans”. This drive to avoid discomfort is our default setting and our shared experience as human beings. It all boils down to this………WE JUST WANT TO FEEL OK ON THE INSIDE! The good news is that there are ways of intentionally being that will shift the ingrained, unconscious patterns that hold us back. We can discover doorways WITHIN that lead to liberation and freedom. You have this one life, don’t waste it by playing small. Go on, RISE TO THIS MIRACTULOUS OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE TO LIVE! Respond with intention: Life is full of deaths and rebirths. I want to remind you that it isn’t what happens to YOU, but how YOU RESPOND that is of paramount importance. When all is said and done there is very little you actually have any real control over, and that truth can be absolutely terrifying. You can however learn to transmute fear and live from the spaciousness of love. The lightness of spirit. ![]() The Paradigm Shift. Our life is like a sailing boat that travels the ocean. We take our first breath and set sail, leaving the safe harbor of our mother’s womb. Upon crossing the finish line, we take our final breath and die. We share this simple truth. We only have the journey, that which lay between birth and death. Yes, the seas can be tumultuous and the skies full of thunder. Yes the skies can be clear blue and the water like glass, but we have no real control over the forces of nature. From within our vessel we can learn to weather the storms. We can recognize the peace that comes from within. We can endure, we can survive. We can learn to steer our boat from within, recognizing the choices that belong to us and let go of the choices that are not ours to own.. Heck, we can even throw wild, blissful parties within the cabin, throw our arms out wide and dance on the deck to the music of our own choosing! When we open our heart, take charge of our minds, intentionally BE with all that we truly are, we can find a deep peace that indeed passes all understanding. A sheer bliss that abides in the present moment. And I can show you how! A doorway is open to you. Do you struggle to know where to start? Maybe you know what to do, but finding the time seems beyond your reach. This is where I can help you. You can use, my time and facilitation skills to intentionally support your well beingness. Consider our time together as a spring board to your expansion, a science lab for self awareness, a gym for the mind, a sacred space to practice, a space to grow and embrace your difficult to be with parts. Use our time together to internalize ways of calming your nervous system as you rewire your brain. This stuff works! I know, because it works for me! I am here to help you. I am available via zoom sessions, or if you are based in Hobart you might want to see me 1:1 or join in with some group work. If you are reading this and feel the magnetic pull in my direction, reach out. What are you waiting for? ![]() |